by GMedLogin | Oct 24, 2017 | News, Uncategorised
Up until recent technological advancements in the medical industry, like the introduction of the Vivolight VIVO500S, medical professionals relied on their anatomical knowledge to find and puncture veins when administering injections. If your patient was rather...
by GMedLogin | Sep 21, 2017 | Uncategorised
People have been monitoring the vital signs of others since the dawn of mankind, using various methods to track heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, and arterial blood pressures. Glenmed takes a look at how patient monitoring began, how it has evolved over...
by GMedLogin | Aug 18, 2017 | Technology, Uncategorised
Advanced life support is the set of protocols directed at maintaining homeostasis once a patient has been stabilised by the Basic Life Support protocols. The 20th Century saw the development of advanced life support technology which sustains life in circumstances...
by GMedLogin | Aug 17, 2017 | Uncategorised
Medical imaging revolutionised medicine – x-ray in the late 1800s, magnetic resonance imaging in the 1940s, and then ultrasound imaging in the 1970s. Ultrasound now plays a key role in modern medicine but, as might be expected in a country of dualities – ultrasound...
by GMedLogin | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorised
Did you know that over 2.2 million fatal workplace accidents happen each year around the world? According to this article, around 2600 of those work-related deaths occur right here in South Africa! Around two million non-fatal workplace accidents, towards which the...
by GMedLogin | May 4, 2017 | Uncategorised
As most people know by now, the word ‘ultrasound’ is associated with rubbing a gel-laden massage head over a pregnant woman’s midsection in order to catch a glimpse of the new life growing within. Essentially, this process works by bouncing high frequency sound waves...