Maintaining your healthcare equipment should be an important part of the management of your healthcare facility, a role that the Glenmed team cannot stress enough. You have purchased expensive and sophisticated equipment in order to provide the best possible care to your patients, who naturally expect quality and accuracy.
Medical Device Maintenance is Vital
All technology needs maintenance but, given the fact that there are lives involved, it is particularly crucial with medical equipment. Find out why this is, as well as why you should have a medical equipment maintenance plan in place.
Medical Device Maintenance Keeps Patient Care at a High Level
The care you provide to your patients depends, to a very large extent, on the functionality of your equipment. If your machines are faulty, then obviously you will not be giving your patient the right level of care. Poorly calibrated or malfunctioning equipment can possibly lead to a bad diagnosis and thus an ineffective treatment plan. Keep reading the blog as we explain the significance of well-maintained devices in delivering adequate patient care.
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Medical Device Maintenance Helps Manage Costs
Your equipment is among your largest capital investments. Even the simplest and least significant among your devices can cost thousands of rands. Replacing any of them will present a double cost, and tax your precious CAPEX budget. Maintenance is a running, operational cost and helps you keep the machines you have at optimum working capacity for as long as possible. This is simply smart business.
Medical Device Maintenance Ensures Compliance
There are also legal ramifications to maintaining your machines. Equipment used in medical facilities in South Africa needs to comply with standards set in place by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). In order to do so, they need to come from a licensed dealer and they need to maintained and kept in full working order by a technician who is qualified to do so. Operating with machines that have fallen out of compliance could have serious consequences.
Your Medical Device Maintenance Plan
As an administrator of a hospital or other medical facility, you must have an equipment maintenance plan in place. It is up to you whether you choose to keep your maintenance in-house or farm it out to contractors, or dealers, such as Glenmed, who offer full after-sales support on the equipment we sell you. So long as the maintenance is carried out by certified professionals, it doesn’t matter which option you go for. You should just plan the maintenance routine carefully and allocate resources appropriately.
Chat to Glenmed About Your Device Maintenance Needs Today
As mentioned above, Glenmed is always ready to help with the preventive and corrective maintenance of any of the devices we sell. Contact us for more information.
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