Medical Device Trends to Look Out for in 2020

Oct 17, 2019 | News

Technology in the medical device industry is developing apace with general tech trends, and there are likely to be some major disruptions and innovations in this field during the course of 2020. Here are some of the most important.

Internet of Things

Devices and medical facilities are becoming increasingly interconnected. IoT-enabled devices make the most of this connectivity by allowing remote monitoring and tracking. The best examples are wearables and real-time tracking, which allow people – especially patients with chronic conditions, to monitor their conditions, as well as allowing family members and medical practitioners to keep an eye on them remotely if necessary.

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3D Printing

The capacities of 3D printing have been a surprise to everyone – and the possibilities are nowhere near having been exhausted. In the medical arena, 3D printing can be used to construct prosthetics and to engineer replacement tissues. It can also be used to make surgical tools.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is a branch of AI focused on the interpretation of spoken or written data. AIs programmed with NLP algorithms can essentially “read” or “listen” to instructions and carry them out speedily. AIs can thus digest and interpret massive amounts of data, such as those found in reports and medical notes.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is enabling the development of virtual nurses – chatbots that provide basic medical advice to patients, as well as powerful image analysis that enables deep analysis of x-rays and other scans, which the naked eye of even the most experienced radiologist may not be able to carry out.


Blockchain technology is set to stimulate vast improvements in the way medical data is stored and shared, optimizing workflows, making them more efficient and secure.

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