Limited access to basic life support technology and ultrasound solutions is an issue many countries of the third world still have to deal with. In an effort to turn this around the United Nations, through its Every Woman Every Child initiative, aims to improve the lives of 100 million women and children by 2025.
Inadequate ultrasound capabilities in developing countries contributes to deaths that could easily be avoided if diagnostics systems were in place. For this reason, many medical equipment suppliers have pledged their support to the UN Every Woman Every Child initiative, bringing affordable ultrasound technologies to developing countries.
Glenmed takes a look at some of these outreach projects taking place in the third world, where companies such as Philips are saving lives with effective ultrasound solutions…
Antenatal Ultrasound in Uganda
An outreach company called Imaging the World, in partnership with Philips, put in place a program that now provides access to basic antenatal ultrasound in the rural parts of Uganda.
Ultrasound technology requires training for optimum operation, and thus the Ugandan program trains midwives in ultrasound protocol. The increase in antenatal care visits, facilitated by access to ultrasound technologies, has actually served to educate Ugandans about safe birthing.
Wind-Up Doppler Ultrasound in Kenya
A South African NGO, PowerFree Education Technology, partnered with Philips to develop, test and provide a basic Wind-up Doppler Ultrasound that is able to monitor foetal heart rate in Kenya.
The Wind-up Doppler Ultrasound is non-dependant on electricity, and thus can be used wherever it is needed – even in the most rural of settings. The innovation is set to reduce the high rates of preventable infant mortality in the country.
Ultrasound Screening in India
RAD-AID, and Indian NGO, has taken critical medical screening on the road – with a special mobile outreach van. This portable medical centre uses ultrasound imaging technologies to screen patients in rural India for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and osteoporosis.
This addresses the needs of Indian women who live too far from established medical centres to seek sufficient medical attention. Half of the world’s population live in rural areas, so getting ultrasound technologies to these areas is vital for improved global healthcare.
Ultrasound Equipment in KwaZulu-Natal
Glenmed provides professional medical equipment, including ultrasound technology, to the KwaZulu-Natal medical industry. With steadfast dedication to improved medical treatment for all South Africans, we take what we do seriously – because everyone deserves proper medical attention. Get in touch with Glenmed for quotations on the medical equipment your practise requires.